Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE)

Diversity is a reality, not an option. In organisations, diversity  manifests itself in terms of origin, age, gender - and gender identities. Diversity management is a conscious decision to create structures that avoid discriminationHow inclusive is your organisational and team-culture? 

Let us create a space for dialogue.

Working in a diverse team brings out hidden power dynamics. Which opinions are heard and recognised? What privileges have become entrenched and what happens when these are broken up? Addressing these questions as a team helps to create an inclusive climate.


How diversity becomes a lived culture

"If the structure does not permit dialogue the structure must be changed."

Paolo Freire

Lived diversity goes hand in hand with contradictory feelings and thoughts that can be addressed and worked on in a protected dialogue space. The respectful and appreciative exchange through IMAGO dialogues enables a deep understanding of the other person. This creates a space for encounters beyond rigid viewpoints and world views.


Insight into my work...

Trust, belonging and dedication are aspects that have a profound impact on motivation and working ability for every employee. In my experience, there is little difference between the values that individual organizations establish to guide their employees and customers. However, these values are frequently empty words with little relation to the everyday workflow. In this workshop, we are turning these topics into our research question. Employees get the opportunity to ask themselves how they experience trust in the team or organisation and what behaviour lets them see and experience trust. Together we explore the "mission" and ascribed meaning to it. Organizational Culture becomes a living process that is shaped by every member. This new form of dialogue can have an impact on the entire organisation. Organisational culture becomes a living and tangible process.