My dissertation offers insights into the process of developing intercultural competencies.
It is published in German in the edition ÖFSE Forum.
Lernraum Interkultur. Von interkultureller Erfahrung zu interkultureller Kompetenz.
Potentiale und Relevanz des interkulturellen Coachings am Beispiel von Fachkräften der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.
Vienna: Südwind 2007 ISBN 13:978-3-9502306-4-2
More articles
In this section you will find articles in english and german.
Skills for the global world - inquiring into the evolution and development of intercultural competencies.
IACCM_Conference2015 (pdf / 0,4 MB)
This presentation was awarded wiht the "Best practitioner presentation award"
Manual for European Works Councils (GPA/djp):
Intercultural Competence for European Works Councils. Intercultural challenges and solution strategies.
interculture-journal: online magazine for intercultural studies
"Fine-tuning durch interkulturelles Coaching."
Download the paper (pdf / 0,6 MB)
Sozialwissenschaftliche Rundschau
"Kultur lernen durch interkulturelles Training und Coaching."
SWS_Steixner3_10 (pdf / 0,4 MB)
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
This study focuses on the topic of female genital mutilation. As a researcher I aimed at understanding the underlying concepts to disclose arguments that support the fight against this harmful practice.
"Die Beschneidung der Weiblichkeit. Verstehensprozess einer westafrikanischen Tradition im Lichte ihrer Ursprünge und Kontexte."
The full text of the study can be requested here.